How to write a narrative paper
Final Paper Topics Investments
Monday, August 24, 2020
Inferno as a Manifestation of the Pain of Dante Alighieri Essay
Inferno as a Manifestation of the Pain of Dante Alighieri Dante's Inferno was an incredible epic sonnet of the early Renaissance. It was known for its insightful critique on political and strict levels, both profoundly woven into the work through purposeful anecdote. Inferno, written in 1314 by Dante Alighieri, was the principal canticle of the Divine Comedy. Dante considered it a parody both in view of its glad completion and its style, which lies between that of the disaster and that of the elegy.(Vossler, 665) Although most regarded authors of the time wrote in Latin, Dante composed the Divine Comedy in the vernacular Italian language so the basic man could understand it. The way that this perfect work of art was written in the vernacular raised Italian as the composed language of their new age. From the hopelessness and defilement encompassing him in his dearest Florence, he composed the parody since he wished to demonstrate the way to goodness, the salvation of the human spirit guided by both explanation and perfect grace.(Vossler, 665) Dante proposed the work to be perused on three levels: exacting, symbolic, and moral. The work was basically written in eleven syllable lines gathered in threes to make interlocking tercets. The rhyme conspir e that he made f!or this is designated terza rima(Vossler, 664), which frames the words in the example aba-bcb-cdc-ded, etc. These are gathered into applied units of 150 lines each, called cantos. The whole Divine Comedy has one hundred cantos, comprising of one early on canto and three head divisions(Vossler, 664) or canticles of thirty-three cantos each. In the spring of 1265 Dante was destined to an unassuming honorable Florentine family called Alighieri. Despite the fact that they were nobles, the family had lost its wealth and high social height through the ages. His mom passed on when he was youthful and his dad isn't regularly referenced. He got cautious instruction, albeit little of it is known definitely. His family's humble social standing didn't keep him from seeking after his examinations. Dante most likely considered talk with the researcher Brunetto Latini, from whom he says that he realized how a man becomes eternal(Inferno XV line 85). As a youngster, Dante generally showed himself how to compose stanza, yet he likewise concentrated with the extraordinary troubadours of Florence, keeping in touch with them and circling his own adoration verses. In 1295 he started a functioning ... ... lines 52-53). The most tricky wrongdoing Dante blames Boniface for comes out of the mouth of another cursed soul. Straightforwardly saying the pope had trespassed was not a shrewd activity, one could be known as a blasphemer and be murdered. This poor soul, Guido, was a fighter whose obligation was to militarily exhort Boniface when he broke into war with the Colonna family in 1297. Guido was exceptionally sick towards Boniface, saying, Yet for the High Priest - may he decay in Hell!(Inferno XXVII line 70). He says about Boniface that he, the Prince of current Pharisees,/Having a war to wage by Lateran -/Not against Jews, nor Muslim foes,/Every adversary he had was a Christian,(Inferno XXVII lines 85-88). Guido accuses the pope of taking up arms not against Jews or Muslims, however different Christians. Inferno was a sign of the dissatisfaction and agony Dante more likely than not felt from the political and strict occasions of his day that ousted him from the city he so cherished. In spite of the fact that Dante's excursion took him through the profundities of hellfire and communicated Christian convictions about life following death, his contemplations were common as he censured one strict pioneer after another to the profundities of the damnation they had made for him.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Path To Power Essay Example For Students
Way To Power Essay Filling three elevated level voids caused Adolph Hitler to ascend to control as the totalitariandictator of Germany. With his nation in the age left from World War One, groupsat all degrees of legislative issues were searching for a hero. Hitler unearthed a mindfulness ofhis own charm, saw the chances to usurp force, and sought after his consent. Thekey factors permitting his prosperity were his ascent through the German Workers Party,becoming Chancellor of Germany, and organizing the blend of the workplaces ofpresident and chancellor. The primary factor was Hitlers requested enrollment in the German Workers party. InSeptember, 1919, officials of the Munich Command presumed unfaithfulness among politicalgroups when it went to the military, and they required a government agent. They picked Hitler becauseof his transcending scorn for Jews and ?Traitors.? His crucial to join the GermanWorkers Party and help it develop. Soon after joining the Party he discovered that theirgoal was to examine methods of making a superior Germany. Huge numbers of the individuals blamedthe Jews and Marxists for the issues of Germany, however they had no arrangement or program toset things right. Working with this association made Hitler find somethingabout himself. He never expected that he had a talented capacity to control and influencepeople for his benefit through discourse. The more he talked, the more energetic theybecame, and the more control he had over them. Hitlers feelings touched off the group. Individuals lost control of them selves, trembling, crying, sobbing, and wailing. Men aswell as ladies blacked out and fell over in the walkways. They were beguiled. Hitler quit themilitary and chose to use the German Workers Party as his weapon to become thedictator of Germany. The following venturing stone emerged when President Paul von Hindenburg chose thatthe Nazis could never again be kept out of the legislature and solicited ex-Corporal Hitler tobecome Chancellor from Germany. He acknowledged and therefore started the second stage to totalpower. Despite the fact that Hitler was Chancellor he still couldnt mount his upheaval fromwithin. He required extra Nazi seats in the Reichstag, like our Congress, togain all out force. So as to pick up these seats he additionally required a political race alongside areason for the voters to help the possibility of an autocracy. He fabricated an emergency toaccommodate his motivation. One night not long before the races, the metal arch of theReichstag burst into flares. The fire was so colossal all the fire fighters could do waswatch it consume to remains and seared block. Hitler stuck the fault to Communistleaders and increased more than 17 million votes that made sure about 288 Reichstag seats. Hitlers planwas a t riumph and he was prepared to progress to being the extremist chief of Germany. The third and last period of Hitlers success was set to start. The Reichstag,consisting of just Nazi supporters Hitlers SS men permitted in, met on March 23 to voteon the Enabling Act which gave Hitler complete control over their privileges to suspend theconstitution, change any law, and make any law. With the socialist chiefs bannedfrom the Reichstag, the Enabling Act passed 441 to 91. Hitler moved rapidly to strikeanyone else who was a danger to him by executing them or placing them into concentrationcamps. On August 2, 1934, President Hindenburg kicked the bucket, and the military, satisfied withHitlers achievements, permitted Hitler to join the workplaces of Chancellor andPresident, which included being president of the military. Since allother ideological groups had been authoritatively abrogated, the Nazi banner became Germanysofficial banner, and each serviceman, from General to Private, needed to make a solemn vow ofobedience?not to Germany, yet to Hitler himself. With this p ledge, The Fuhrers ThirdReich was solidly settled. .u42e37668ed2a0f5c4855f99adfc96c28 , .u42e37668ed2a0f5c4855f99adfc96c28 .postImageUrl , .u42e37668ed2a0f5c4855f99adfc96c28 .focused content zone { min-stature: 80px; position: relative; } .u42e37668ed2a0f5c4855f99adfc96c28 , .u42e37668ed2a0f5c4855f99adfc96c28:hover , .u42e37668ed2a0f5c4855f99adfc96c28:visited , .u42e37668ed2a0f5c4855f99adfc96c28:active { border:0!important; } .u42e37668ed2a0f5c4855f99adfc96c28 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u42e37668ed2a0f5c4855f99adfc96c28 { show: square; progress: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-change: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; darkness: 1; progress: mistiness 250ms; webkit-progress: murkiness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u42e37668ed2a0f5c4855f99adfc96c28:active , .u42e37668ed2a0f5c4855f99adfc96c28:hover { haziness: 1; progress: obscurity 250ms; webkit-change: haziness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u42e37668ed2a0f5c4855f99adfc96c28 .focused content territory { width: 100%; position: relat ive; } .u42e37668ed2a0f5c4855f99adfc96c28 .ctaText { outskirt base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: intense; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content embellishment: underline; } .u42e37668ed2a0f5c4855f99adfc96c28 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; text style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u42e37668ed2a0f5c4855f99adfc96c28 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; fringe: none; outskirt span: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; text style weight: striking; line-tallness: 26px; moz-fringe sweep: 3px; content adjust: focus; content beautification: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-tallness: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: total; right: 0; top: 0; } .u42e37668ed2a0f5c4855f99adfc96c28:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u42e37668ed 2a0f5c4855f99adfc96c28 .focused content { show: table; tallness: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u42e37668ed2a0f5c4855f99adfc96c28-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u42e37668ed2a0f5c4855f99adfc96c28:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Family esteems EssayWith these three key procedures, Hitler turned into the authoritarian tyrant of Germanyand the loathsomeness of the Holocaust started decisively. Nobody dare question his unfairness. The prescience of General Kurt von Schleicher was destined to be satisfied. As he predicted,?This corporal will annihilate Germany and it will have a ghastly end.?
Sunday, July 19, 2020
Pupils Beware Poor Quality Essays Frequently Sold Online
Pupils Beware ‘Poor Quality’ Essays Frequently Sold Online Pupils Beware: ‘Poor Quality’ Essays Frequently Sold Online Pupils Beware: ‘Poor Quality’ Essays Frequently Sold Online Some essay writing companies are charging students exorbitant amounts for poorly crafted assignments. According to a report published in The Daily Telegraph, some essay writing companies are charging up to $600 CDN for A-level coursework that is barely literate. Researchers targeted three companies: Custom Essays, UK Essays and UK Essay Writing Services. One of the most shocking finds of the report warned pupils of wasting their money because most of the work was of “poor quality.†While the companies that provide custom-tailored essays are wholly legitimate, many ghost writing services tend to produce essays riddled with typos, misspellings and clumsy sentences. Don’t risk your academic integrity by trusting other companies. Homework Help Canada offers essays custom written by high-quality professionals and qualified experts. Check out our testimonials page for more information. Reference: Paton, G. (2014, September 30). Ofqual: Cheating pupils buying poor quality A-level essays online. Retrieved January 3, 2015, from Pupils Beware ‘Poor Quality’ Essays Frequently Sold Online Pupils Beware: ‘Poor Quality’ Essays Frequently Sold Online Pupils Beware: ‘Poor Quality’ Essays Frequently Sold Online Some essay writing companies are charging students exorbitant amounts for poorly crafted assignments. According to a report published in The Daily Telegraph, some essay writing companies are charging up to $600 CDN for A-level coursework that is barely literate. Researchers targeted three companies: Custom Essays, UK Essays and UK Essay Writing Services. One of the most shocking finds of the report warned pupils of wasting their money because most of the work was of “poor quality.†While the companies that provide custom-tailored essays are wholly legitimate, many ghost writing services tend to produce essays riddled with typos, misspellings and clumsy sentences. Don’t risk your academic integrity by trusting other companies. Homework Help USA offers essays custom written by high-quality professionals and qualified experts. Check out our testimonials page for more information. Reference: Paton, G. (2014, September 30). Ofqual: Cheating pupils buying poor quality A-level essays online. Retrieved January 3, 2015, from
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Essay on The Tragedy of Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare
The Tragedy of Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare In The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, by William Shakespeare, the story revolves around the various individuals who would vie for control of the Roman Empire. All of these individuals exhibit various attributes, values, and techniques in order to facilitate this goal, from Cassius’ intelligence, Brutus’ charm and honor, to Antony’s gift to drive a crowd. And although all three desire to become the new strongman leader of Rome, it is Antony who succeeds gaining the most control through his own specific talents, most specifically noted at Caesar’s funeral. At the funeral scene, Antony exhibits several qualities beneficial to a Roman leader, such as oratory and appeasement skills. The†¦show more content†¦While Brutus manages to turn the crowd against Caesar, Antony turns them back towards Caesar and against Brutus and the conspirators, but in a more subtle, yet effective manner. As Antony names off Caesar’s numerous exploits, he always does s o with the intent to oppose Brutus’s, yet he always ends each instance with â€Å"yet Brutus says he was ambitious, And sure he is an honorable man†(III, ii, 102-103). Not only does he sway the crowd with this selective choice of words and subtle influence, he also puts on an impressive show of emotion, even breaking down and weeping; â€Å"My heart is in the coffin there with Caesar, and I must pause till it come back to me†(III, ii, 116-117). Antony also uses other mechanisms of persuasion, not only in clever wordplay and emotion but also in reverse psychology, as he tells the crowds, â€Å"I am no orator, as Brutus is, but as you know me all, a plain blunt man that love my friend...But were I Brutus, and Brutus Antony, there were an Antony would ruffle up your spirits and put an tongue in every wound of Caesar that should move the stones of Rome to rise and mutiny†(III, ii, 229-243). Thus, while Antony’s speech is clearly more refined and inspiring than Brutus’s, he humbles himself with modesty, and the crowd eagerly eats up every word that Antony says. Thus, as Antony gains control of the crowd, he consolidates his plan to take revenge for Caesar’s death, as well asShow MoreRelatedWilliam Shakespeare s The Tragedy Of Julius Caesar919 Words  | 4 Pageschoices that eventually bring about their demise. At first glance, Caesar may appear to be the tragic hero, when the real tragedy actually lies in Brutus’s story in William Shakespeare s play The Tragedy of Julius Caesar. One tray a tragic hero must posses is that they are relatable. The play may be named for Caesar, but the reader simply knows more of Brutus and his motives, which help to make his story a tragedy more so than Caesar s. 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In The Tragedy of Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare, Marcus Brutus is the tragic hero. When making a tragic hero, Shakespeare has his character go through hesitation and doubt before making a decision, presents the character with inner turmoil through soliloquy, and focuses on the choices the character makes instead of their fate. William Shakespeare has his tragic heroes be of noble birth and In The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, â€Å"There was a Brutus once that would haveRead MoreEssay about Shakespeares Manipulation of History Through Literature1422 Words  | 6 Pages In some of William Shakespeares most famous works, he deviates from the historical truth to create the final product of his works. He does this to please loyalty, as well as appeal to his audience at the time. At the same time, Shakespeare also does this to help create a stronger bond between the reader and the characters. To satisfy this, he implements many fictional pieces to his famous works. Macbeth was one of these works as he wrote this in 1606 to honor James I becoming the king of EnglandRead MoreLiterary Analysis of the Tragedy of Julius Caesar773 Words  | 4 PagesAnalysis of The Tragedy of Julius Caesar William Shakespeare wrote his play The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, so that his readers could have an idea of the lives, wars, and conflicts during the roman times. Shakespeare may have written the play because of his interest in history. He studied the writings of the historian Plutarch, who was alive at the same time as Caesar and wrote about his life. He also needed a job and money, and he had a fear of Queen Elizabeth dying. Shakespeare loved her and heRead MoreJulius Caesar : Political Propaganda1120 Words  | 5 PagesCaleb Holman Miss Tanner British Literature 1 21 November 2014 Julius Caesar Used as Political Propaganda William Shakespeare was born in 1564, only a little while after the start of Queen Elizabeth I’s reign. As such he lived in a time of civil unrest later in his life because of the ruler being a woman, being childless and not naming an heir to the throne. Therefore Shakespeare used his tragedy Julius Caesar and the Roman politics in the play in order to reflect those of his day. Namely thatRead MoreAnalysis Of Julius Shakespeare s Julius Caesar 1299 Words  | 6 PagesVictoria Moyers Mrs. Voshell Honors English 10 May 2017 Brutus’ Role in The Tragedy of Julius Caesar The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, written by William Shakespeare in 1599, is just one example of a typical Shakespearean tragedy. At the beginning of the book, the reader believes that the Julius Caesar is the main character and that the whole book will revolve around him. By the time the reader finishes the book it is clear that Decius Brutus, or just ‘Brutus’, is the main character and the tragic
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
audit proposal - 1127 Words
Audit Proposal Brenda Pina, Rachel Foster, Maria Kight, Christine Twiford, and Clorissa Willie ACC/542 July 14, 2014 Professor Thomas Cappels Audit Proposal There are many different types of audits including internal, external, and information technology. Companies should be familiar with the types of audits that may possibly be used on an Accounting Information System (AIS). Knowing the different types of audits and where they are used will help a company be ready for an audit and make the process much smoother. There are some circumstances where auditing through a computer is not always beneficial. Auditors want to make sure they are completing their audits fully and appropriately to the best of their abilities.†¦show more content†¦Access controls protect data from being released to non-authorized users, hackers, and other intruders. How the audits are conducted Kudler will conduct an information system audit by examining and evaluating their present hardware and software. They will also examine their IT controls, systems security, risk management, and the adequacy of their current systems. They can carry out their marketing audit by evaluating the effectiveness of their marketing program and examining its capabilities. It will evaluate their functions in respect to their goals, mission, vision, and their values of Kudler, which is done externally. Kudler will examine their faculty, and their deficiencies will be identified. Another suggestion is equipment be audited, the maintenance, and an examination to determine if it’s being operated at the designed levels, safety set-up, security, and access issues. Their audit will be done by an external auditor who will examine their accounts, vouchers to support, financial information tests, evaluation of their financial statements, and also examine the internal control and make comments for improvements. Events that prevent reliance on auditing through the computer Using computer-based accounting systems does have its disadvantages, such as certain laws pertaining to confidentiality, the requirement to protect against the loss of data through power failures, theShow MoreRelatedAudit Proposal1094 Words  | 5 PagesAudit Proposal By: Catherine Chase Instructor: Khatrina Higgs, CPA ACC/542 â€Æ' Audit Proposal Abstract Understanding the audit process and how auditors operate is vital since it informs IT managers how to develop an environment that is compliant. More importantly, this brief will discuss the role of the auditor and its responsibilities as well as expand on the role and responsibilities of management during and after the audit. This brief will also focus on the methodologies of howRead MoreEssay on Audit Proposal1327 Words  | 6 Pageswould now like to see a proposed audit schedule for these systems. 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Background: The goal of the proposal is to provide and merge the available resources to invest and increase its market position locally or internationally. The investment plan if approved will offer greater expansion of the company over 5 years. This proposal will be presented to the Executive Directors for endorsement. Objective: The strategy of the investment plan involves: 1. To advance theRead MoreCase Study : Eagle s Nest Motel Essay1264 Words  | 6 Pagescompany to expand further. Areas of investments are Time Shares Companies, 24hrs Cafe, and Car Rentals. Background: The goal of the proposal is to provide and merge the available resources to invest and increase its market position locally or internationally. The investment plan, if approved will offer a greater expansion of the company over 5 years. This proposal will be presented to the Executive Directors for endorsement. Objective: 1. The strategy of the investment plan involves: 1. To advanceRead MoreRfp Inventory Control Essay5651 Words  | 23 PagesRequest for Proposal An Inventory Control System Just Seeds Unlimited Co. 4105 Stuart Andrew Blvd Unit #3 Charlotte, NC 28217 704.222.2222 Distribution List (TBD) Linnea L. Williams PM598 – May 2011 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 5 1.1. General Description of Work 5 1.2. What Must Be Included with Bid 5 1.3. Schedule of Bid Period Activities 6 1.4. Location of Work 6 1.5. Pre-Bid Meeting 7 1.6. 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Advertisement Is Manipulation Free Essays
Advertising: Information or Manipulation? (Argumentative essay) [pic]Advertising is a way of getting a product or an idea to the general public to advertise the positive aspects of it. Advertising is a good way of persuading the people to purchase a product or believe in an idea that the advertisement presents. Advertising has many forms. We will write a custom essay sample on Advertisement Is Manipulation or any similar topic only for you Order Now They come in propaganda or in mass media. (Television commercials) Traditional advertising is meant for persuasion and is made to give off positive aspects (information) about a object or specifically a product to make them purchase or believe in the ideas that the advertisement provides. This is not true present day. The present day advertisement evolved and now brainwashes the people to buy or believe in the things in the advertisement. Advertisement is made for persuasion but people have used this tool to actually control the thoughts of many people. For example, subliminal messages are contained in many different advertisements available today. Subliminal messages are very unethical. These messages are hidden in words or drawings to control the people. Subliminal messaging is one unethical way of advertising. Following ethics decides whether the ad is made for information or manipulation. If the ad contains unethical ways of persuasion then it is made for manipulation. The quote â€Å"if we follow ethics we face negative consequences†explains the ads that are available today. Many companies threw ethics out of the window. following ethics means less sales and less effectiveness. For the huge benefit they crave, they threw ethics and joined the dark side. Now advertisement are solely made to persuade people to pay more money than the actual cost of the product or an idea. These ads (most of them today) are mainly legal scams pasted in the window of your nearby super market. Is advertising the definitive way to make us informed in our daily decision making or is it just an exceptionally authoritative kind of mass deception that companies use to persuade their consumers and prospects into buying their services or products that they (buyers) do not need? In the global market, consumers have been exposed to ever ever-increasing amounts of advertising message. Consequently, the openings geared towards advertisement by firms have been on the rise to make sure that the buyers get the information. The paper presented here will carefully examine whether advertising is aimed at provision of information to the general  public and passing useful information to the customers or just to manipulate them and lure them into buying. Advertising can be used interchangeably with the word marketing. Talking of marketing draws our minds initially to money, services, goods and more importantly consumers. The role of advertising should be to help the society and the public at large through adequately correctly providing information concerning services and products that are produced. Advertising is a kind of communication that is untended to persuade people; readers, viewers and listeners to take some action. Another definition of advertisement as described by various researchers is; the non- personal communication of information concerning products, ideas or services in a normally persuasive way which is paid for by the sponsors and passed on through various mass media. On the other hand, the term manipulation has a meaning of giving malicious/ false information on a particular issue with an intention of achieving ones objectives. Manipulation basically makes use of lies to bring about benefits. There is a risk here though as if all the companies engage in spreading lies or false information about there products, the consumers will discover the truth and eventually the companies’ integrity in the eyes of the people will be lost, a fact that makes them to be extra smart in their manipulation undertakings. Advertising can be categorized into two throughout this research. One category is the innocent way of giving information to customers concerning a given product or service while facing them. There is a second category of that has a manipulative outcome on people. In all circumstances, people exposed to one or another kind of advertisement are driven in to purchasing products purchasing they may not really have needed. This is the image of manipulation in advertisement that makes consumers more commodity fetishists. How to cite Advertisement Is Manipulation, Papers
Sunday, April 26, 2020
Recommendation for aTraining Program in McDonalds
This paper will recommend best training practices that can help McDonalds to stay competitive in the Canadian market. The company usually has eleven crew positions within any McDonalds Canada restaurant. The McDonalds Crew Development program has four steps: Prepare, Present, Try and Follow up. This model therefore guides the process through which the company trains its staff.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Recommendation for aTraining Program in McDonalds specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The current training practices in McDonalds have various strengths. On the job training helps employees to acquire vital skills that enable them perform their responsibilities more effectively. The training program is linked with organisational objectives and trainees get to understand the company’s culture and practices. Cross -training gives employees an opportunity to be skilled in different areas of the firm’s operations. This makes it easy for employees to multi task. They are able to perform different functions effectively and this boosts productivity levels. The 4 step training model used by McDonalds helps it to save valuable time and costs (McDonalds Case Study, 2012). The company’s employees are likely to become demoralised after training because they are highly supervised. These employees may lack confidence in their own abilities because of the extreme supervision they undergo during training. The training approaches that are used by McDonalds do not suit individual traits and talents of each employee. This approach does not offer ways through which individual talents of employees can be harnessed for the greater benefit of the firm. Electronic learning approaches are time consuming and ineffective in helping trainees acquire the necessary knowledge. This proves problematic when a trainer wants to monitor the progress of each trainee (McDonalds Case Study, 2012). The compa ny updates its training materials electronically because of the fast-paced nature of its operations. Trainers and learners have access to updated information which they easily obtain from a central source. Employees are trained with the most current information which improves their knowledge and understanding. The company has implemented various strategies to reduce training costs (McDonalds Case Study, 2012). The use of focus groups has opened up channels of communication and employees are able to share their thoughts freely regarding training procedures. This approach helps the firm to structure its training programs in a way that suits employees’ operations so as to achieve better results.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The company needs to improve its training approaches. The four step model is not suitable for all employees and therefore, more individualised tra ining programs should be implemented. Individual talents of employees need to be harnessed and utilised for the benefit of the firm. Employees should be given more time to discover their talents and skills during training for them to become more creative and innovative (Kleynhans, 2006, p.129). Less supervision will increase employees’ morale. The company experiences a high turnover of employees. McDonalds needs to implement policies which offer employees job security and satisfaction to reduce high rates of staff turnover. The training program needs to be specialised to focus on making each worker more knowledgeable in specific areas. The emphasis on cross training can make workers to become less skilled in crucial areas of the firm’s operations. Trainers need to be encouraged to interact more with trainees. This approach will encourage openness and cooperation in the firm (Kleynhans, 2006, p.130). Electronic learning needs to be improved to suit employees’ int erests, skills and abilities. This approach will improve the level of knowledge employees acquire after training. References Kleynhans, R. (2006). Human resource management. London: Pearson. McDonalds Case Study (2012). Training Practices in McDonalds. This essay on Recommendation for aTraining Program in McDonalds was written and submitted by user Lilly Cunningham to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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